Monday, April 30, 2007

Back. Though I Never Really Left.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Just arrived back home from another Monday-night Starbucks session, Coffee 101, if you will.
Those who haven't got a clue what I'm saying, get over it, or read the other Starbucks related post...

Myself and Tom were re-united in proper Team Biscuit form, creating THE best brew of the day (Original Ethiopian Yergacheffe, for those interested) in your face, everyone.

And of course, the SAFETY WARNING produced by one of the shops located near Starbucks, regarding their callback of some dungarees, which have been found to spontaneouly burst into flames.*

So I've returned to school once again, from my mini-break at my couzin's wonderful coast-side house, where I set up his wireless network, ate morbid amounts of unhealthy food and poured deodranty-water in my couzin's hair.
Of course, he did manage to get his own back, during a fight with him, involving a swivel chair on castors, he kicked my chair away as I sat down.

My ass ended up on the cold, tiled floor. And the world seemed to come crashing down.
Well, I was half right.
Good stuff.

Finally, Jamie told me to use something I said as Quote of the Moment:
Random Girl Who Wants To Learn Physics But Will Pass Anyway: "Shut Up!"
Myself: "No, if you want to learn, sod off home and revise. I am here to piss around, that's what school is for."

Mood of the Day: Team-Biscuity-WithABlendOf-Anticipation
Listening To: More Go! Team
Current Theory: Work = Money... Gutted.
Quote of the Moment: "No, if you want to learn, sod off home and revise. I am here to piss around, that's what school is for."

*For those who are ACTUALLY concerned now, there is an issue with the buckles, which would cause your dungarees to come undone, distracting you from your walking process, causing loss of balance and sanity, at which point there is an 84% chance of you tripping over, a side effect of which is death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha good times, good times