Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Deep End.

Once again, back in the conversation room, live with Mr Joe. We've been discussing deep stuff.
Finding out fears and such and I'm sure I'll be sharing mine with you in some post somewhere.

It's been productive, we have been philosophizing and such, and I've come up with the following:
If someone told you everything there was to them, they would still be themselves. Because those things, whether you knew them or not, makes them, who they are. It's just how you choose react to them.
The only way, to be eternally happy, is to realize what we have and stop chasing what we think we need.

No Human Will Ever Feel Complete... We're Always On A Search For Better
Mr Joe asked. Could you imagine chavs having the same conversation?
Ew no i is scaird of losin peeps lyk
phil phiil philosimy? its very philosomy i puts at on my bebo lyk

It's an amazing world.

Mood of the Day: Deep, but not drowning. It's safe.
Listening To: Not sure, sounds like Modest Mouse though.
Current Theory: The only way, to be eternally happy, is to realize what we have and stop chasing what we think we need.
Quote of the Moment: "God, I Sound Like A Crackpot..." "...You Are A Crackpot."

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