Friday, April 27, 2007

The Care Factory. Special French Branch.

Well. What a day it's been.
My French oral exam was today. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped.

Pretty, awful, in fact.

Though, I found it hysterical, trying to answer a question, to which I understood but could only offer multiple "Uh's" and "Ah's" for, even though, I knew perfectly well in another, less tense and supposedly important situation I could answer it to some sort of extent.

I mean c'mon I even forgot the most basic of words and phrases, such as:
I have, trousers, shoes, hair, eyes, dog, my dog's name, my sister's name, and even my own age.

I managed to make it more bearable by staring at the clock, out the window and at the spinning tape machine, I even had the time between the five second pause between my sighs to think about what the examiner must be writing down.

I think my favourite part of the exam was the time where I uttered "Screw this" and attempted to leave. I think I feel just as sorry for my teacher, who just got to watch me sit there, rocking, trying to conjure an answer in my mind, while miming a gun to my head.

The oddest thing was, after the tape stopped and my teacher attempted to offer some form of comfort and appraisal (Explaining that the marking isn't negative, where I screamed at Tom next door, "THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR MARKS, THEY'LL TAKE THEM ALL AWAY!") I realized, that still, having failed my French oral exam, I still, didn't care.

Mood of the Day: Happily-Care-Free-And-Stuff
Listening To: The Go! Team
Current Theory: Bye Bye French GCSE, French GCSE Goodbye...
Quote of the Moment: "...these tree huggers who believe in things like religion and cannabalism..."


Anonymous said...

Jai douze ons ans onze??

DairyMilkDevil said...

No Joe. No.