Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Night Starbucks

Aloha, Konbanwa.
So, yeh, we're getting annoyed with the whole "School" thing.
Learning how not to lose precious marks due to stupid technicalities like the date not being in line with the first line of an address on a "WJEC-style" business letter.
Examiners, must be like some sort of thieves, hiding between the thick black lines of your exam paper, ready to steal marks for trivial pointlessness, maybe you didn't comment about an interestingly placed full stop?

We needed a break from counting down the hours to a french oral exam that you haven't even learnt... And being chased around for a drama evaluation you haven't even started...

So, we decided, we'd differ from our natural Friday-Starbucks Ritual and go on a Monday.
Oooh, us rebels. Though, I did have to be persuaded, being poor and stuff.

But, what can I say?
Awesome stuff.
First of all, we discussed what life would be like if myself and Jonny decided to get a flat together.
And as wrong as it sounds, I'll paint the picture:
You enter the room, the air, lingering with the smell of Pizza (That I don't even like), alcohol and some sort of previously burnt food that hasn't been cleaned of the hob for seventy-two hours. As well as bowls of beans and self-made croutons.

The kitchen consists of a toaster and a wall of microwaves; mainly used to cause the simultaneous explosion of various household objects such as eggs and batteries.

Sprawled across two separate* sofas, are two, slightly odd looking dudes, in their boxers, surrounded by games consoles, DVD's out of their cases, empty biscuit and chocolate wrappers and many empty bottles of alcohol**.

Each of them, clutching a controller, slurring obscenities at the TV; which is playing a demo on a completely different console.

Welcome To Our Flat***.
Moving on, what made the night was the fact we were invited by the manager to what me and Jamie dubbed "Coffee 101 [Latin America]" .
Basically, it was a completely free promotion, where we could drink free coffee.
Now, I don't like coffee, really, at all. But well, I'm on board for free stuff. So we accepted.

So myself, Jonny, Jamie, Becky and Rach took a table, and a few free skittles (I could hear Bev's heart breaking already...). And nominated Jonny as a volunteer to brew our coffee, which worried me, as I thought he was going to kill us didn't worry me at all.

So after introducing ourselves to a bunch of randoms and hoarding as many stickers as we could into our pockets, we began serving our amazing coffee. I was wondering whether I would throw-up or not. I carefully smelt the coffee.
"Smells like... Bonfire."
However, Jonny then came out with possibly THE greatest quote of THE YEAR:
"This coffee... Smells like the burning flesh of fallen angels."
To which, I simply replied.
"I really wonder what Jonny gets up to, I mean, what kind of situation do you find yourself smelling the rotting, burning flesh of a dead angel?"
Only Jonny can really know.

Mood of the Day: Coffee-Explosion-Death-Angel
Listening To: Message Room... Little Girl... Message Room...
Current Theory: I Want To Fill My Starbucks Job App. In
Quote of the Moment: "
This coffee... Smells like the burning flesh of fallen angels."

*I just wanted to make that EXTRA clear. I like the ladies.
**Well, empty bottles of Red Wine for Jonny, as he's not allowed to drink with his deadly heart condition.
***Drunken Zelda... Just asking for a broken nose. It's also compulsory to welcome each-other in the morning with "Bangin'!"

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