Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good Morning.

Aloha, Konnichiwa.
I fell asleep at some unknown point of time last night, while still in my school uniform and while listening to techno.

On another note, tomorrow is my French Oral Exam...
It's also the due date for my maths coursework... I have to do the entire thing O.o

Guess which one get's priority?
*Puts Maths Coursework On Desk*

! Update !
Esther drew me a picture ^.^

And also created an amazing quote of the moment ;)
Esther: Can I ask you a qustion?
Sam: Course you can =)
Esther: Have you ever smeared Marmite over your face and pretended to be a badger?

Mood of the Day: Semi-Tired-Techno
Listening To: Golden Skans - Klaxons
Current Theory: Magic Must Exist.
Quote of the Moment: "Have you ever smeared Marmite over your face and pretended to be a badger?"

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