Monday, April 16, 2007

The End of Term.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Term finished two weeks ago. The Eve of Returning, today.
It was logically recommended that due to the (possible) coincidence that we have 10 GCSE's to pass and 10 days off, that each day should be denoted to one subject.

Regrettable, due to unforseen circumstances, I had, much better, more interesting things to do, I have not revised anything at all.

I should care more. But I simply don't.
But c'mon, seriously, we were expected to revise for the two weeks "as if it was like a school week"? Who, who in HELL, would waste their holiday revising? I can understand people want to pass, but revising up to six weeks early is abit drastic, let alone mentally damaging and rather odd.

I've spent most of my holiday in bed, occasionally waking up to watch my colour-changing clock (Thanks Bev) have some sort of eppy, chaging from yellow to orange much quicker than it should. I unplugged it, as I was fearing for my safety.

Most other days were spent filming for a Red Hot Chili Peppers Music Video Contest. Filming involved moving from place to place, getting sunburnt, running and drawing in the middle of dual carriageways, in the face of death, so to speak.

Fun stuff. Interrupted by some old crazed old man though. He seemed to believe I was Satan, out to cause a multi-car-mashup, killing hundreds of souls to feast on. However, myself and Graham fended him off. Fantastic argument, just Graham's first question was legendary.
Graham: "What's happening here?"
Sam: "Hey Graham *Laughing*"
Old Man: "Fuck Off Now, This Is.."
Graham: "What did you just say?!"
If you know Graham, you'd be in hysterics. If you don't I apologize, here's a picture of the old coot for some sort of comedic factor.

Headline: Random Crazed Man Claims Importance And Screams At Attempts To Kill Teen

Other better moments would include filming at Sunrise in the middle of town with Jonny's band:

So, yes, it's been good. Maybe, just maybe RHCP will like it. Wouldn't that be amazingly cool?
Shame to go back. Especially on a Monday, Moon-day.

So much work. So little time. School could at least attempt to make the work interesting.
Better go, bag to pack (Even though I don't know what lessons I have tomorrow O.o).

Interesting Note: Coranation Street just came on at 23:45, is this like, some sort of post-watershed, fully uncensored, uncut street-sized-pissup-slash-orgy-rave? I don't think I'm sticking around to find out, thank God* for the remote control. Oyasuminasai, I'm off to bed.

Mood of the Day: Sleepingly-Happy.
Listening To: The TV, Some Sort Of Comedy Show
Current Theory: Fire = No School?

*Yes. I do not believe in religion. But I can say that phrase. Stop looking at me like that.

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