Thursday, May 03, 2007

Don't Get Me Started. Oh wait...

Wow, it's been a pretty long, slow, painful day.
My body decided it would a fun experiment to wake me up at 4am this morning, which pretty much destroyed my life day, but it was fine, because I had "Switched!" to watch until 6. I wish I could have shot myself; attempting to sleep with some American in the background moaning about how the weather much home is hotter.

Well don't switch lives with some sort of American-Eski(e)mo-Kid. Idiot.

But, seeing as I was up so early though, I thought I could turn the situation on its head and make this a good start to just another Wednesday Thursday. At 6am, E4 Music started, awesome stuff. I was thinking, I could have a shower, some toast and be vaguely alive for the rest of the day.

But no. Thanks to what I assume was some drunken crackpot falling over the controls and then having some sort of fit, ripping all the transmission cabling at E4, or C4, whatever letter it actually runs from, I lost the digital signal, and went back to bed.

Next thing I know, I feel like my throat has been set fire to by some sort of Mexican flame party and it's 8:20am. Obviously, the rest of the day was going to be an apathetic one. As per usual.*
And yes, yes it was. I think I fell asleep in three out of five lessons today. Some sort of record, however, I did manage to arrive before 9am for the first time this week. Another record.


But now I would like to take some of your, semi-precious time, to rant about the English GCSE's and the educational system in general.
We had English today, which always brings out the suicidal tendancies in even the happiest people. And yes, it's Practice GCSE Paper time!
Filling in my answer sheet, as slowly as possible, scrawling what we learn about the relationship between a man and his wife from a trip to the supermarket.

Ah yes, because the fact the man attempts to purchase Cookie Crisp obviously shows that he has a command over the marriage. Are you serious? My GCSE depends on this?

For the love of God, could there be ANYTHING more pointless?

While pondering the exact objective of this circus, and ALL exams in general, the absolutely unbelivable time constraint that the English exam is bound by actually hit me like a brick through an unlaminated window.

You have, 50minutes** to answer four questions on a series of pointless articles, today, relating to America, junk food and quote "People who are Seriously Obese", we are told to answer each question in 10minutes, one mark per minute. Then we are told to write one and a half pages PER answer?***

I finished the first question, I shoddily finished the second question and barely answered the third. It was the same story with others, and you tell me that these exams are fair?

What do you want me to do?
I'm there, attempting to do both at the same frickin' time, with you telling me how my time is ticking away, how "Not finishing is not an option", how "This must be timed perfectly, remember, one mark per minute."

You don't understand, I DO NOT care.
I should, I don't.

There is no motivation to pass, only the fear of failure.
How sad, that nearly every pupil in my year has this horrific fear that their entire lives will be destroyed by poor GCSE results.

If any of you are reading this, please, sit down, listen to some music, chill, burn your revision material. It's all OK.

If you're an examiner, congratulations and welcome to the soul destroying industry that is examination marking. Now we get to see how we compare to you and your marking scheme.
I hope you're being paid with truckloads of money.

And finally, if you're one of my teachers, you can talk to me until the sun goes down over the crisp hills and powerlines, I will never care about these exams. I know I'm going to fail and thanks for the heads up.

! Normal Service Resumes Now !

So, moving back to reality, back to now, here I am, melting the keyboard with a body temperature similar to that of the sun, drinking what could be described as a bucket of Hot Chocolate, with roughly half the sugar of the entire planet mixed inside, and I've just sneezed moisturizer. Nice.

Mood of the Day: Ill-Yuch
Listening To: Hong Kong Lullaby - I Am Kloot
Current Theory: Hot Chocolate Will Cure Anything.
Quote of the Moment: "Waste Your Vote! Vote Plaid."

*I wonder if I have clinical apathy to my schoolwork. It would make alot of sense. Should check that out sometime.
**Not even an hour, I assume this is to confuze how to time your work further. As the WJEC are after every single mark possible, everyone would fail, if it was possible.
***Bearing in mind, that this is only Paper 1, Part 1. There are three papers in all. All full of pot luck questions created by high-in-the-sky-road-trippin' examiners.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was searching for the unseen poem from this years English exam (don't ask why) and I found your blog.

Anyway, I know this was written in May, so it is kind of random I'm commenting on it now, but I felt compelled to say I had to answer questions on that same bloody Bill Bryson article!!!