Monday, April 16, 2007

Aloha #1. Again.

Is it Déjà Vu? Or have you been drinking excessively for the past two weeks and woken up with some post-its reminding you about work stuck on your face and your computer happily showing your eyes my blog? Perhaps its a coma? Or an eternal nightmare, involving me and my blog?

Nope, it's none of them, except for the drinking. Yes, I know your secret. You're a raving alcoholic, but that's ok, because your kind of people are welcome here. Yes, yes, come in, sit next to the passed out tramp.

However, I know why you're here "Insert Name Here":
Your TV is broken, no-one is online on WLM (Or, more likely, its crashed), you're bored of your music and you want to kill yourself. So you came here... It was a good choice, this blog will help you take that last step, off a tall bridge.

Mood of the Day: Trippingly-Dancetratic.
Listening To: Tony The Beat - The Sounds
Current Theory: My Blog Is In Fact Awesome.

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