Monday, April 16, 2007

Sam 101.

Aloha, Hello, Konbanwa.
I figured you'd want to know a little about the person behind the text. If not, I don't care, this is my blog and I'll continue to write whatever I damn like, if you don't like it, start your own blog and complain about me there.

So, my name is Sam.
You can call me Sam, Sam-san, SamBoo, Samu, or really anything, seeing as we've got the whole "free speech" thing going on in this country.

If you want some sort of mental picture, I'm about 6'2", really athletic and amazing.
Now, for those living in the real world, I'm 5'6", with brown hair, that just kinda goes where it wants to. I have two eyes (That seems to be standard on this planet) which are Hazel in colour.

I am the President of the Universes, making me pretty much God. I crash landed on Earth (A long way from my home, Xenon) in 1990 (After my spaceship tried to download something made by Microsoft by mistake), which makes me 16 Earth years old. I'm not sure what impact that will have on you at all, but there we go.

Anyhow, I love my friends, they're all amazing. And they are the greatest thing I could ask for, apart from maybe mounds of money, love and a huge studio. No seriously, trampin' around in town or just anywhere is awesome.

I also love film-making (, travelling to new places solo and listening, dancing and siging awfully to music.

I'm not a fan of food. I eat very little different meals, I should technically be dead. I hate people who beat other people up for no reason whatsoever. I'm not a huge fan of evil and dislike situtation's where I find myself with a lack of money. I don't really like religion, I think fundamentalists are idiot's on cracked up on ACID and are the root of evil. I also dislike authority, such as power-crazed teachers and vigilantesque old people, which are two types of people who think they are MUCH more important than they actually are.

I'd like to be some sort of director entrepeneur, running the whole Studio8 thing. Maybe owning a chain of crap coffee shops.

In this mockery of a blog I will be playing the part of Sam.
So, Aloha Goodbye, Oyasuminasai. Talk Soon =)

Mood of the Day: Still Trippingly-Dancetratic.
Listening To: My Computer Singing
Current Theory: I Need Food.

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