Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Soul.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
So, me and Mr Joe somehow got talking about my soul. I kinda forget how.
But this "Artist's Interpretation" shows it semi-accurately:

My soul, is similar to a box, but looks much cooler; I pimped it up with some decals and all that.
It has fireworks and amazing stuff flying out of it, shown above by the well-drawn black, yellow and red "Swoosh Marks™*".

But the main aspect here is the DANGER factor, as my soul is a bottomless "Box", so to speak, jumping into this would cause you to fall forever**, however, it would not be silent journey as you will have the joy of the "Sam's Soul Symphony Experience", their genre, atmospheric, better known as 'Elevator Music'.

It then occured to me, that perhaps, elevator music would be an interesting backing track for sex.

That is all.

Mood of the Day: Middle-Of-The-Night-HyperActivity
Listening To: Mr Blue Sky - ELO
Current Theory: Snooker Is Boring, Sex In An Elevator Is Interesting.
Quote of the Day: "My Mind Has Gone Completely Kaput"

*Swoosh Marks is a Trademark of Realm of Babbling, until I'm sued.
**Disclaimer: No-one has timed the length of their stay inside my soul, here, forever could refer to any length of time between 27.1seconds and 8 million years.

Interesting Find: Doing a Sam - Staying up for long intervals/all night in order to finish coursework.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats Funny, My mind has gone Kaput too ...