Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Want Work Experience! Gimme?

Aloha, Konbanwa.
I'm trying to write a letter to Media Molecule (Makers of Litte Big Planet for Sony's PS3) with the false hope that SOMEONE will give me work experience at their amazing offices.

It's just as well someone is online to talk sense into me, as I'm not sure what impression my original greeting sends out.

! Update !
My letter is ready. Finally. Formal and everything, but not set out WJEC style (Check out Tom. for more info on that). I'm going to post it myself though as I think my parents will hide or destroy the letter, in an attempt to sabotage my (im)possibly experience at Media Molecule.

! Update 2 !
I love how postively-optimisitc everyone is.
*Sarcasm Detector Explodes*
Sam: "I posted the letter..."
Sam: "Do you think they'll even reply?"
Dad: "No."
Mood of the Day: Mid-Week Sleepy-ness Still
Listening To: House Screaming Out A Window, Possibly At Birds?
Current Theory: Me and Tom Have Started A Revolution.
Quote of the Day: "No Jamie! You can't draw on me... I'm on drugs!"

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