Monday, April 16, 2007

The Legend, Has Come To An End.

Nope, I'm not talking about Zelda. I'm still in the exact same place as I was when I took a day off school and was told I should be working. But it is amazing.

No, I'm talking about a different legend, the stuff of dreams, a story, that has left a technological legacy of indestructability. Yes, the amazing anomaly, that is was my Sagem MyX2. Or something.

After buying it on the cheap, it's life began as a happy one, helping connect life itself together, pieces of a demented jigsaw, falling into place. However, as time passed, this legend's design was put to the test from drops onto concrete, tiles, skids along uneven roads, people, mainly myself, balancing on the screen, pulling 360's, smashing the plastic screen, burying it in sand and many, many, other such tortures.

And it survived.

Until, one fateful Friday 13th*. My phone, died. How, you ask?
In a horrific kitchen related incident, a cup of coke landed on it and it snapped. Pictures of this event have been taken from petrified members of the public, who sadly, saw the whole thing:

Oh, suddenly it's murder? Well screw you.
I'm currently mourning the loss of the legend and anyway, you can't prove that was my own hand. You can't prove anything!

The loss of the legend has quickly sparked me into buying my new, shiny, current phone.
Which is only cool because of the flashing icons on the front:

It involved a short trip to Argos, where I shamed myself with ease by screaming "Nooo!" and diving for the automatic doors as the lights in the store suddenly flicked out.

Interesting Note: We have some sort of INSET day next Wednesday. Which I believe is part of some conspiracy to turn this country into France, where they work Sunday morning and take Wednesday off. Crazy? We think so.

And with that, we shall meet again soon.

Mood of the Day: Moon-day Terror
Listening To: Deal or No Deal Audience Pretending To Be Happy For Someone Else
Current Theory: I'm Failing Tomorrow's English Oral

*Superstition. It's all crap but just this makes the whole ordeal sound worse.


Anonymous said...

It could have been MY hand MINE ALL MINE

The-Bev said...

Will Trooly Be Missed. =(
