Monday, April 30, 2007

Back. Though I Never Really Left.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Just arrived back home from another Monday-night Starbucks session, Coffee 101, if you will.
Those who haven't got a clue what I'm saying, get over it, or read the other Starbucks related post...

Myself and Tom were re-united in proper Team Biscuit form, creating THE best brew of the day (Original Ethiopian Yergacheffe, for those interested) in your face, everyone.

And of course, the SAFETY WARNING produced by one of the shops located near Starbucks, regarding their callback of some dungarees, which have been found to spontaneouly burst into flames.*

So I've returned to school once again, from my mini-break at my couzin's wonderful coast-side house, where I set up his wireless network, ate morbid amounts of unhealthy food and poured deodranty-water in my couzin's hair.
Of course, he did manage to get his own back, during a fight with him, involving a swivel chair on castors, he kicked my chair away as I sat down.

My ass ended up on the cold, tiled floor. And the world seemed to come crashing down.
Well, I was half right.
Good stuff.

Finally, Jamie told me to use something I said as Quote of the Moment:
Random Girl Who Wants To Learn Physics But Will Pass Anyway: "Shut Up!"
Myself: "No, if you want to learn, sod off home and revise. I am here to piss around, that's what school is for."

Mood of the Day: Team-Biscuity-WithABlendOf-Anticipation
Listening To: More Go! Team
Current Theory: Work = Money... Gutted.
Quote of the Moment: "No, if you want to learn, sod off home and revise. I am here to piss around, that's what school is for."

*For those who are ACTUALLY concerned now, there is an issue with the buckles, which would cause your dungarees to come undone, distracting you from your walking process, causing loss of balance and sanity, at which point there is an 84% chance of you tripping over, a side effect of which is death.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Care Factory. Special French Branch.

Well. What a day it's been.
My French oral exam was today. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped.

Pretty, awful, in fact.

Though, I found it hysterical, trying to answer a question, to which I understood but could only offer multiple "Uh's" and "Ah's" for, even though, I knew perfectly well in another, less tense and supposedly important situation I could answer it to some sort of extent.

I mean c'mon I even forgot the most basic of words and phrases, such as:
I have, trousers, shoes, hair, eyes, dog, my dog's name, my sister's name, and even my own age.

I managed to make it more bearable by staring at the clock, out the window and at the spinning tape machine, I even had the time between the five second pause between my sighs to think about what the examiner must be writing down.

I think my favourite part of the exam was the time where I uttered "Screw this" and attempted to leave. I think I feel just as sorry for my teacher, who just got to watch me sit there, rocking, trying to conjure an answer in my mind, while miming a gun to my head.

The oddest thing was, after the tape stopped and my teacher attempted to offer some form of comfort and appraisal (Explaining that the marking isn't negative, where I screamed at Tom next door, "THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR MARKS, THEY'LL TAKE THEM ALL AWAY!") I realized, that still, having failed my French oral exam, I still, didn't care.

Mood of the Day: Happily-Care-Free-And-Stuff
Listening To: The Go! Team
Current Theory: Bye Bye French GCSE, French GCSE Goodbye...
Quote of the Moment: "...these tree huggers who believe in things like religion and cannabalism..."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good Morning.

Aloha, Konnichiwa.
I fell asleep at some unknown point of time last night, while still in my school uniform and while listening to techno.

On another note, tomorrow is my French Oral Exam...
It's also the due date for my maths coursework... I have to do the entire thing O.o

Guess which one get's priority?
*Puts Maths Coursework On Desk*

! Update !
Esther drew me a picture ^.^

And also created an amazing quote of the moment ;)
Esther: Can I ask you a qustion?
Sam: Course you can =)
Esther: Have you ever smeared Marmite over your face and pretended to be a badger?

Mood of the Day: Semi-Tired-Techno
Listening To: Golden Skans - Klaxons
Current Theory: Magic Must Exist.
Quote of the Moment: "Have you ever smeared Marmite over your face and pretended to be a badger?"

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Future's Bright Shite.

Aloha, Konbanwa.

Conversation Reads:
Sam: Will I finish my maths coursework?
Magic8Ball: Will you finish your maths coursework? As usual, no.
Sam: Will I pass my exams?
Magic8Ball: Same answer!
Sam: Will I fail in life and become a tramp?
Magic8Ball: Yes, but it will be complicated.

It's not looking good.
Time For Some Toast.

Mood of the Day: Tired, Thirsty. Coffee-Crash?
Listening To: American Dad
Current Theory: I Must Choose A Country To Tramp In.
Quote of the Moment: "ANYONE who wears slip-on shoes, is a thief."

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Night Starbucks

Aloha, Konbanwa.
So, yeh, we're getting annoyed with the whole "School" thing.
Learning how not to lose precious marks due to stupid technicalities like the date not being in line with the first line of an address on a "WJEC-style" business letter.
Examiners, must be like some sort of thieves, hiding between the thick black lines of your exam paper, ready to steal marks for trivial pointlessness, maybe you didn't comment about an interestingly placed full stop?

We needed a break from counting down the hours to a french oral exam that you haven't even learnt... And being chased around for a drama evaluation you haven't even started...

So, we decided, we'd differ from our natural Friday-Starbucks Ritual and go on a Monday.
Oooh, us rebels. Though, I did have to be persuaded, being poor and stuff.

But, what can I say?
Awesome stuff.
First of all, we discussed what life would be like if myself and Jonny decided to get a flat together.
And as wrong as it sounds, I'll paint the picture:
You enter the room, the air, lingering with the smell of Pizza (That I don't even like), alcohol and some sort of previously burnt food that hasn't been cleaned of the hob for seventy-two hours. As well as bowls of beans and self-made croutons.

The kitchen consists of a toaster and a wall of microwaves; mainly used to cause the simultaneous explosion of various household objects such as eggs and batteries.

Sprawled across two separate* sofas, are two, slightly odd looking dudes, in their boxers, surrounded by games consoles, DVD's out of their cases, empty biscuit and chocolate wrappers and many empty bottles of alcohol**.

Each of them, clutching a controller, slurring obscenities at the TV; which is playing a demo on a completely different console.

Welcome To Our Flat***.
Moving on, what made the night was the fact we were invited by the manager to what me and Jamie dubbed "Coffee 101 [Latin America]" .
Basically, it was a completely free promotion, where we could drink free coffee.
Now, I don't like coffee, really, at all. But well, I'm on board for free stuff. So we accepted.

So myself, Jonny, Jamie, Becky and Rach took a table, and a few free skittles (I could hear Bev's heart breaking already...). And nominated Jonny as a volunteer to brew our coffee, which worried me, as I thought he was going to kill us didn't worry me at all.

So after introducing ourselves to a bunch of randoms and hoarding as many stickers as we could into our pockets, we began serving our amazing coffee. I was wondering whether I would throw-up or not. I carefully smelt the coffee.
"Smells like... Bonfire."
However, Jonny then came out with possibly THE greatest quote of THE YEAR:
"This coffee... Smells like the burning flesh of fallen angels."
To which, I simply replied.
"I really wonder what Jonny gets up to, I mean, what kind of situation do you find yourself smelling the rotting, burning flesh of a dead angel?"
Only Jonny can really know.

Mood of the Day: Coffee-Explosion-Death-Angel
Listening To: Message Room... Little Girl... Message Room...
Current Theory: I Want To Fill My Starbucks Job App. In
Quote of the Moment: "
This coffee... Smells like the burning flesh of fallen angels."

*I just wanted to make that EXTRA clear. I like the ladies.
**Well, empty bottles of Red Wine for Jonny, as he's not allowed to drink with his deadly heart condition.
***Drunken Zelda... Just asking for a broken nose. It's also compulsory to welcome each-other in the morning with "Bangin'!"

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Deep End.

Once again, back in the conversation room, live with Mr Joe. We've been discussing deep stuff.
Finding out fears and such and I'm sure I'll be sharing mine with you in some post somewhere.

It's been productive, we have been philosophizing and such, and I've come up with the following:
If someone told you everything there was to them, they would still be themselves. Because those things, whether you knew them or not, makes them, who they are. It's just how you choose react to them.
The only way, to be eternally happy, is to realize what we have and stop chasing what we think we need.

No Human Will Ever Feel Complete... We're Always On A Search For Better
Mr Joe asked. Could you imagine chavs having the same conversation?
Ew no i is scaird of losin peeps lyk
phil phiil philosimy? its very philosomy i puts at on my bebo lyk

It's an amazing world.

Mood of the Day: Deep, but not drowning. It's safe.
Listening To: Not sure, sounds like Modest Mouse though.
Current Theory: The only way, to be eternally happy, is to realize what we have and stop chasing what we think we need.
Quote of the Moment: "God, I Sound Like A Crackpot..." "...You Are A Crackpot."

My Soul.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
So, me and Mr Joe somehow got talking about my soul. I kinda forget how.
But this "Artist's Interpretation" shows it semi-accurately:

My soul, is similar to a box, but looks much cooler; I pimped it up with some decals and all that.
It has fireworks and amazing stuff flying out of it, shown above by the well-drawn black, yellow and red "Swoosh Marks™*".

But the main aspect here is the DANGER factor, as my soul is a bottomless "Box", so to speak, jumping into this would cause you to fall forever**, however, it would not be silent journey as you will have the joy of the "Sam's Soul Symphony Experience", their genre, atmospheric, better known as 'Elevator Music'.

It then occured to me, that perhaps, elevator music would be an interesting backing track for sex.

That is all.

Mood of the Day: Middle-Of-The-Night-HyperActivity
Listening To: Mr Blue Sky - ELO
Current Theory: Snooker Is Boring, Sex In An Elevator Is Interesting.
Quote of the Day: "My Mind Has Gone Completely Kaput"

*Swoosh Marks is a Trademark of Realm of Babbling, until I'm sued.
**Disclaimer: No-one has timed the length of their stay inside my soul, here, forever could refer to any length of time between 27.1seconds and 8 million years.

Interesting Find: Doing a Sam - Staying up for long intervals/all night in order to finish coursework.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Want Work Experience! Gimme?

Aloha, Konbanwa.
I'm trying to write a letter to Media Molecule (Makers of Litte Big Planet for Sony's PS3) with the false hope that SOMEONE will give me work experience at their amazing offices.

It's just as well someone is online to talk sense into me, as I'm not sure what impression my original greeting sends out.

! Update !
My letter is ready. Finally. Formal and everything, but not set out WJEC style (Check out Tom. for more info on that). I'm going to post it myself though as I think my parents will hide or destroy the letter, in an attempt to sabotage my (im)possibly experience at Media Molecule.

! Update 2 !
I love how postively-optimisitc everyone is.
*Sarcasm Detector Explodes*
Sam: "I posted the letter..."
Sam: "Do you think they'll even reply?"
Dad: "No."
Mood of the Day: Mid-Week Sleepy-ness Still
Listening To: House Screaming Out A Window, Possibly At Birds?
Current Theory: Me and Tom Have Started A Revolution.
Quote of the Day: "No Jamie! You can't draw on me... I'm on drugs!"



I love leaving feedback on eBay.

Mood of the Day: Mid-Week Sleepy-ness
Listening To: Some Crazy Baker Talking About ASDA. Now My Phone Is Ringing.
Current Theory: My Parents Shouldn't Let Me Leave Feedback.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

FV #S8-005-CH(C)

Aloha, Konbanwa.
So, yeh. It's completed. Amazing stuff.
I'm pretty proud of it, it's a far cry from what it was going to be, but I like it all the same.
I'd just like to thank everyone again for all their help and support, its been awesome.

Anyway, here it is, the Studio8 Official Screening, of "Charlie (Studio8)"

Shot on Location In and Around:
Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

Sam Nicholls

Additional Organization:
Tom Hoyles
Jonny Lee

The Runners:
Jonny Lee
Matt "The Ninja" Jones
Tom Hoyles
"Mr" Joe Frampton
"The" Bev Reynolds-Ibell
Craig Rosser
Jamie "Man" Thomas
Graham Coombs
Jordan Hoyles
Lewis Hoyles

The Band:
Edward Bayes
Elliot Nicklin
Tom Colwill

Jody Lee

Everyone's support and dedication.
Thank you all, its been amazing.

I love my job.

In Other News: I think my English Oral Exam went pretty well, considering my DVD-showreel was rendered useless in the absense of any sort of laptop; attributed to the school wasting its resources on printing my excessive IT coursework and lining the walls with golden plasterboard.
I've also managed to clock up an hour of late-ness in the first two days of the new term. That's gotta be some sort of record.

Mood of the Day: Happily-Proud
Listening To: Some Women Giggling About Cadbury Snaps O.o
Current Theory: I'm off to bed.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Something I Saw Today.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Well, I found myself in Science this morning, as you tend to, when you take Science for a GCSE.
It seems, the school has changed its stationary supplier to some sort of amazingly-trippy-factory where they sniff markers and dance around trees made of stickyback plastic, violently colourful card, glitter glue and snapped up pens, with erasers, magic tree air fresherners and flourescent pencils for decorations.

Why do I think this? Because daming evidence shows that MAGIC EXISTS.
Also please note, Excibit A. "Magic Tape, Invisible":

Oh yes...
That is all.

Mood of the Day: Pretty Good ^.^
Listening To: Float On - Modest Mouse (The Greatest Song. Ever.)
Current Theory: Magic is Real, says Local University Cat Mascot
Quote of the Day: "This isn't just a punch in the face...This is an M&S punch in the face."

Edit, Breaking News: Reports from our correspondant Esther claim that magic "Is what makes the birds fly and cats eyes glow..."

The Legend, Has Come To An End.

Nope, I'm not talking about Zelda. I'm still in the exact same place as I was when I took a day off school and was told I should be working. But it is amazing.

No, I'm talking about a different legend, the stuff of dreams, a story, that has left a technological legacy of indestructability. Yes, the amazing anomaly, that is was my Sagem MyX2. Or something.

After buying it on the cheap, it's life began as a happy one, helping connect life itself together, pieces of a demented jigsaw, falling into place. However, as time passed, this legend's design was put to the test from drops onto concrete, tiles, skids along uneven roads, people, mainly myself, balancing on the screen, pulling 360's, smashing the plastic screen, burying it in sand and many, many, other such tortures.

And it survived.

Until, one fateful Friday 13th*. My phone, died. How, you ask?
In a horrific kitchen related incident, a cup of coke landed on it and it snapped. Pictures of this event have been taken from petrified members of the public, who sadly, saw the whole thing:

Oh, suddenly it's murder? Well screw you.
I'm currently mourning the loss of the legend and anyway, you can't prove that was my own hand. You can't prove anything!

The loss of the legend has quickly sparked me into buying my new, shiny, current phone.
Which is only cool because of the flashing icons on the front:

It involved a short trip to Argos, where I shamed myself with ease by screaming "Nooo!" and diving for the automatic doors as the lights in the store suddenly flicked out.

Interesting Note: We have some sort of INSET day next Wednesday. Which I believe is part of some conspiracy to turn this country into France, where they work Sunday morning and take Wednesday off. Crazy? We think so.

And with that, we shall meet again soon.

Mood of the Day: Moon-day Terror
Listening To: Deal or No Deal Audience Pretending To Be Happy For Someone Else
Current Theory: I'm Failing Tomorrow's English Oral

*Superstition. It's all crap but just this makes the whole ordeal sound worse.

The End of Term.

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Term finished two weeks ago. The Eve of Returning, today.
It was logically recommended that due to the (possible) coincidence that we have 10 GCSE's to pass and 10 days off, that each day should be denoted to one subject.

Regrettable, due to unforseen circumstances, I had, much better, more interesting things to do, I have not revised anything at all.

I should care more. But I simply don't.
But c'mon, seriously, we were expected to revise for the two weeks "as if it was like a school week"? Who, who in HELL, would waste their holiday revising? I can understand people want to pass, but revising up to six weeks early is abit drastic, let alone mentally damaging and rather odd.

I've spent most of my holiday in bed, occasionally waking up to watch my colour-changing clock (Thanks Bev) have some sort of eppy, chaging from yellow to orange much quicker than it should. I unplugged it, as I was fearing for my safety.

Most other days were spent filming for a Red Hot Chili Peppers Music Video Contest. Filming involved moving from place to place, getting sunburnt, running and drawing in the middle of dual carriageways, in the face of death, so to speak.

Fun stuff. Interrupted by some old crazed old man though. He seemed to believe I was Satan, out to cause a multi-car-mashup, killing hundreds of souls to feast on. However, myself and Graham fended him off. Fantastic argument, just Graham's first question was legendary.
Graham: "What's happening here?"
Sam: "Hey Graham *Laughing*"
Old Man: "Fuck Off Now, This Is.."
Graham: "What did you just say?!"
If you know Graham, you'd be in hysterics. If you don't I apologize, here's a picture of the old coot for some sort of comedic factor.

Headline: Random Crazed Man Claims Importance And Screams At Attempts To Kill Teen

Other better moments would include filming at Sunrise in the middle of town with Jonny's band:

So, yes, it's been good. Maybe, just maybe RHCP will like it. Wouldn't that be amazingly cool?
Shame to go back. Especially on a Monday, Moon-day.

So much work. So little time. School could at least attempt to make the work interesting.
Better go, bag to pack (Even though I don't know what lessons I have tomorrow O.o).

Interesting Note: Coranation Street just came on at 23:45, is this like, some sort of post-watershed, fully uncensored, uncut street-sized-pissup-slash-orgy-rave? I don't think I'm sticking around to find out, thank God* for the remote control. Oyasuminasai, I'm off to bed.

Mood of the Day: Sleepingly-Happy.
Listening To: The TV, Some Sort Of Comedy Show
Current Theory: Fire = No School?

*Yes. I do not believe in religion. But I can say that phrase. Stop looking at me like that.

Sam 101.

Aloha, Hello, Konbanwa.
I figured you'd want to know a little about the person behind the text. If not, I don't care, this is my blog and I'll continue to write whatever I damn like, if you don't like it, start your own blog and complain about me there.

So, my name is Sam.
You can call me Sam, Sam-san, SamBoo, Samu, or really anything, seeing as we've got the whole "free speech" thing going on in this country.

If you want some sort of mental picture, I'm about 6'2", really athletic and amazing.
Now, for those living in the real world, I'm 5'6", with brown hair, that just kinda goes where it wants to. I have two eyes (That seems to be standard on this planet) which are Hazel in colour.

I am the President of the Universes, making me pretty much God. I crash landed on Earth (A long way from my home, Xenon) in 1990 (After my spaceship tried to download something made by Microsoft by mistake), which makes me 16 Earth years old. I'm not sure what impact that will have on you at all, but there we go.

Anyhow, I love my friends, they're all amazing. And they are the greatest thing I could ask for, apart from maybe mounds of money, love and a huge studio. No seriously, trampin' around in town or just anywhere is awesome.

I also love film-making (, travelling to new places solo and listening, dancing and siging awfully to music.

I'm not a fan of food. I eat very little different meals, I should technically be dead. I hate people who beat other people up for no reason whatsoever. I'm not a huge fan of evil and dislike situtation's where I find myself with a lack of money. I don't really like religion, I think fundamentalists are idiot's on cracked up on ACID and are the root of evil. I also dislike authority, such as power-crazed teachers and vigilantesque old people, which are two types of people who think they are MUCH more important than they actually are.

I'd like to be some sort of director entrepeneur, running the whole Studio8 thing. Maybe owning a chain of crap coffee shops.

In this mockery of a blog I will be playing the part of Sam.
So, Aloha Goodbye, Oyasuminasai. Talk Soon =)

Mood of the Day: Still Trippingly-Dancetratic.
Listening To: My Computer Singing
Current Theory: I Need Food.

Aloha #1. Again.

Is it Déjà Vu? Or have you been drinking excessively for the past two weeks and woken up with some post-its reminding you about work stuck on your face and your computer happily showing your eyes my blog? Perhaps its a coma? Or an eternal nightmare, involving me and my blog?

Nope, it's none of them, except for the drinking. Yes, I know your secret. You're a raving alcoholic, but that's ok, because your kind of people are welcome here. Yes, yes, come in, sit next to the passed out tramp.

However, I know why you're here "Insert Name Here":
Your TV is broken, no-one is online on WLM (Or, more likely, its crashed), you're bored of your music and you want to kill yourself. So you came here... It was a good choice, this blog will help you take that last step, off a tall bridge.

Mood of the Day: Trippingly-Dancetratic.
Listening To: Tony The Beat - The Sounds
Current Theory: My Blog Is In Fact Awesome.