Thursday, June 07, 2007

The TESCO Toaster... Continued

Aloha, Konbanwa!
So, we received a letter from TESCO's Customer Service Centre, in Dundee* this afternoon.
After spelling our surname wrong they claimed to be "sorry to learn about the problem" with our toaster and they "sincerely for the inconvinience caused".

Yes, you did read that right, not only did they spell the surname wrong they also left out the word 'apologize' or 'jumped off a bridge'.

My favourite part of the letter is where they "ensure" that this toaster complies with "the safety standards" and this "incident has nothing to do with this product being dangerous".

Wooah! So hold on... You're telling me, that, my toaster bursting into flames, in the middle of the night, has nothing to do with a faulty or dangerous product? Ah, so, the whole catching fire and scorching the kitchen wall is a standard feature, sorry. My bad.

TESCO then continue to subliminally place the blame upon us, claiming our "electrical trip is sensitvive and interrupted the current supply quickly before the electric settled in the product."
Does that even make sense?
See, I know little about electricity, but can electricity "settle"?
And I'm sure our electrical trip is a hardcore, man-trip, with no sensitivity or feeling, he just trips out when he's needed dammit! *Salutes*

"...although I can appreciate your concerns with your toaster, I am afraid that we are unable to assist you further on this occasion."
Concerns? It nearly burnt my house down! We were, ever so slightly more than concerned.
And assist me further? It was you, TESCO, who nearly killed us all, your assistance is a joke!

"Thank you for letting us know."
Oh f*** off.
You make it sound like I told you that a lift in your store didn't work properly. Imma take your asses to court.

Mood of the Day: Collapsable
Listening To: Strip My Mind - RHCP
Current Theory: French Exam Tomorrow... Haha.
Quote of the Moment: "First Rule Of The Tea Club: NEVER Talk About The Tea Club"

*That's Freephone 0800 505555 if anyone fancies giving them a call one day.

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