Friday, June 22, 2007


Aloha, Konbanwa!
So, just came home from Starbucks, pretty early, less people than usual...
I could barely afford my bus ticket, or the large hot chocolate with cream, yet I still go. There must be something clinically wrong with me.

Being incredibly poor I checked in with the job-world, Borders said there should be some jobs going in August and TESCO told me to drop in my CV. Consider it done.
See now I can work in TESCO undercover and get my burnt out toaster back. Inside job and all that.

Of course, the highlight was walking to the bus stop with Becky and Matt where a large white limo went literally screaming past, with three girls hanging out the side window, flashing us.
So, I screamed and waved back, it was as if they thought it was a bad thing for us? Well they're not my breasts are they?

Obviously, that's the effect I have on the ladies... A change from the usual screaming and crying.

I think Becky speaks for all of us:
"That made my day."

Mood of the Day: Suitably Caffeinated
Listening To: Lou Reed
- Satellite of Love ('04 Remix)
Current Theory: Water is 94.7% Evil
Quote of the Moment: "...Because one day Sam, you'll look clean..."

Extra Special Message:

Happy Birthday for Lydia. She can have sex with me now. But shh. She doesn't know she wants to yet.

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