Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Pair of Legends... Lost...

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Well. There comes a time in your life, where, you must give up, something close to you, something, that's attached to you for most of your time... Your old shoes.
And that moment usually comes, when you damage them a little, like so:

Yes lovely children, there IS indeed a little gash down the side of my beautiful Converse shoe.
So, I re-ordered the same shoe, for the third time.*

Which, arrived this afternoon, I thought I'd add a little comparision shot for those that care.
Incidentally, those who don't, your presence is questioned. I hope you're happy...

However, that's not all I want to mention today.
I would just like to return to the WJEC exam board. Myself and Tom spent today's French lesson creating WJEC taglines about inconsistent marking, during the practice exam we were sitting.

The Higher Level WJEC Listening Paper, is THE easiest paper I have ever sat.
6 Questions. 30minutes and plenty of time to draw full scale drawings on every other page.

So, here they are:

We Jeopardise Everyone's Career.
"WJEC. Where standards don't exist."
"WJEC. Where your grade is picked at random."
"Pick a grade from our hat."
"WJEC. The Main Cause of Cancer."
"WJEC. Because everyone's stupid anyway."
"The National Exam Board. Pick 'n' Mix Gone Wild."
"WJEC. Because Exams Don't Matter, Happyness does."
"A Cold Welcome from the WJEC."
"The WJEC. What a waste of a career."
"The WJEC, we're not just robbing other exam boards of achievement, we're robbing the government too."

"What do I know?"
~ Head of WJEC

"Il fait blanc!"
~ Goodbye, in French, according to the WJEC.

Graphs created by Team Biscuit's Investigational Department shows that as difficulty levels decrease in WJEC papers, more A*'s are awarded.

We compared the average A* rate between the WJEC and a rival exam board:
"Other Brand GCSE" 10%

The results say it all.

Disturbing results also show that the trauma from GCSE's can lay dormant and strike innocent people up to 80 years after taking their exams, which, just so happens to be the life expectancy of this country... Coincidence? I think not.

! Update !
Some more eBay feedback...

Mood of the Day: Slightly-Thirsty-With-A-Hint-Of-Conspiracy
Listening To: Asterisk - Orange Range
Current Theory: WJEC Is Evil.
Quote of the Moment: "AQA: We're after every mark, and your soul."

Because, it's my trademark. I tried some AirWalk's courtesy of Bev, to which people replied:
"That's, just... Wrong."

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