Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Multitudes Of Things...

Aloha, Konbanwa.
Well with the dawn of my GCSE exam results just mere days away, I thought I would leave you lovely people with a post about the many, many multitudes of things I've been up to the past few weeks. Short, vaguely interesting post then.

The first thing that comes to mind is the MusicMix gig, you see Joe had been spending a week in Cardiff at an event called MusicMix, where, he learnt to be cool and along with the rest of his group, wrote some pretty damn awesome songs for the final show, which I was kindly invited to.

Now, I've been to Cardiff once, to see Rhi, so I was lost as soon as I stepped out of Joe's dad's car, but after walking around pretending to be a stereotypical American tourist and narrowly missing getting hit by a Cardiffian bendy bus, which I'd like to add would have been an awesome way to be hospitalized, we found the St. David's Hall Auditorium. Myself and couzin Ki averted the suspicious gaze of security as we ran upstairs, I looked incredibly conspicuous running around with a tripod, especially seeing as I wasn't really supposed to be filming. But still, I took some awesome footage and pictures:

Take that Bev. You may be The Photo, but mine are still pretty damn good.

I spent most of the gig screaming applause for every single person who walked onstage as well as shouting at the presenter, lines such as "I like biscuits, biscuits are nice..." can be heard on the filmed footage even though I was hiding all the way at the top of the auditorium. Ki also dared me to run with my arms flying in the air past the front of the stage, so I did, screaming "I'm my own one man Mexican wave! Woooooo!".

After separating Joe from his new rockstar chums, we made our way back to Joe's, for the usual weekend of shouting, dancing, eating junk, drinking chocolate filled milkshake creations as well as singing obnoxiously out bedroom windows at unsuspecting passers-by. But of course it wouldn't be a proper stay at Joe's house if I didn't make an arse of myself in front of Alice's friends or some other poor girl...
To fulfill this task, I discussed my future wedding with Jade, where I eventually came to the conclusion that no girl could ever survive tolerating me for the eternity of our marriage. So instead, I would hold a grand farce wedding, where there would be no bride, barely any congregation* and no real church as I'm thinking Hawaiian beach.
The brilliance is, this set-up would allow me to keep the presents and giant cake to myself, you see you can't buy love, but a ton of free gifts and cake would probably help you live without it for a little while longer.

The day after was cleverly spent walking around the coast and promenade taking photo's of the annual raft race, with no shoes or socks for about three hours, because I'm dedicated and rather stupid.

Yes Bev, my eyes are 16% Carl Zeiss Lens Glass. That's why my photo's are awesome.

The rest of the holiday has been filled with debit-card-declining-attempts to book tickets to various countries including Australia, New Zealand, Tokyo and Portugal. Oh c'mon, it was worth a try...

Well, must go, the Magic8 Ball predicted Epic Sex with Hayley:
The Amazing Sam says:
Will Hayley have Sex in her cupboard with Sam?
Magic 8 Ball says:
It has been foretold.
The Amazing Sam says:
Will it be epic?
Magic 8 Ball says:
I see that it will be epic for an extended period of time.
Can't let fate down now can I?

Mood of the Day: Happily-Rewinding-Rewind-BreakItDown!
Listening To: Regina Spektor - On The Radio
Current Theory: Vol. of Cake Is Directly Proportional To Happiness.
Quote of the Moment: "Well, if I was going to throw Heathrow in chaos. I'd do what everyone else does and book a flight." ~ Mock The Week

*Though you're free to come. Bring a gift though.

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