Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Living Dangerously.

Aloha, Konbanwa!
So, I had my driving test today.

Checking the weather reports from the Met Office in advance was a great experience and mentally helped me prepare myself for the upcoming test - as every single day of the week was clear from severe weather, except Wednesday; the very day I was supposed to be proving my ability to drive and simultaneously not plough through members of the general public and their property.

Already images of a rainy-day-crash-derby had entered my mind, I figured at least Studio8 would have exclusive interviews and first-hand experience of any chaos I may cause.
But, the weather turned out to be a fantastic aid to my driving, effortlessly assisting me by; fogging up the glass, making the mirrors near-unusable and possibly worst of all, pouring through the window, immersing me in what felt like an experience at sea for two.

Though, while I didn't crash, I didn't pass either. Super-Yay. Living on the edge.

It could have gone alot worse; with the death toll reaching a whole person or with the totalling of my instructors car.
But realistically, seeing as I went home with a sheet saying I'd failed, in retrospect it could have gone alot better too - By passing, driving into a pot of gold or sexy lingerie party.

However, continuing my long-standing tradition of failing with finesse and epic style, I managed to attain a Dangerous Fault, signifying I'd placed us in an actual near-danger situation. Plus points, for me.
I'd like to take the opportunity to point out I didn't see anyone who was inconvenienced by the admittedly bizarre right turn I conducted that resulted in the Dangerous Fault, but I wasn't going to complain as the examiner seemed like the sort of character who could grab the wheel and make sure his Dangerous Fault was justified like a lovely man and I thought I best not annoy him because it might put a downer on his day. Boo.

Still. The best drivers pass the second time.
And, incase I fail the second time, I'd like to state now that the best of the best drivers fail twice.


In other news, as of the First of this month, I have been deemed a "significant risk to AdWord Advertisers." Personally, I think that statement is a little melodramatic to say the least, I would admit "significant risk" if perhaps this was a blog plotting the general downfall of Google Incorporated, it's financiers, shareholders, affiliates and partners.
But it is not.

Still; kudos to Google. You make me sound like a terrorist.
So hey, not just a threat to your roads kids, but a danger to your multinational Internet corporations too.

Mood of the Day: Terroistastic
Listening To: Lovers In Japan - Coldplay
Current Theory: Rain Increases The Chance Of Failure In All Events, Except Drowning
Quote of the Moment: "Well ya'know isn't that how a shop works? You SELL what's on display, otherwise it's not a shop, is it? It's a house. " - Jack Dee on DIY Stores
Joe Quality Assurance Rating: 7/8 [Enjoyable]